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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Best Way To Get Rid of Belly Fat After Pregnancy

Everyone agrees that being pregnant is one of the most amazing and life affirming things that can happen to a woman but we all know that it’s not without its difficulties. One of the main concerns a new mother has, after those of caring for her new baby of course, is the desire to lose her pregnancy weight. After all who wouldn’t want to lose those 20 to 30 pounds put on during the average pregnancy and return to their previous, slimmer figures. No matter how strongly a new mother may feel about this it’s really important to be patient because losing weight too quickly can be as unhealthy now as at any time.

Despite this fact, the majority of weight loss tips for new mothers are the same as those for everyone else but there are a few extra factors that may help them to lose weight, you might even say nature is on their side.

So, best ways to lose belly fat after pregnancy includes the following:

Exercise. This is important for anyone trying to lose weight. Exercise works to burn fat in three ways; it tones your muscles, it increases your metabolism and it costs more energy to be more active. However, women who have recently given birth should be wary of too much exercise. Giving birth is a major physical trauma and the body must be given time to recover. If any exercise is undertaken it must be light and only as directed by your doctor.

Water. To help the liver clear toxins and break down fat it’s a good idea to drink up to 8 medium-sized glasses of water per day.

A healthy diet. Eating a balanced and healthy diet is a prerequisite for anyone trying to lose weight and is even more important for new mothers who are breastfeeding. If you make sure you are eating well you’ll feel more energized and you’ll also be giving your baby the best start in life.

Sleep. It’s been shown that sleep deprived people are more prone to putting on weight. With a new baby on the scene it’s inevitable that you’ll be losing sleep but if at all possible try to get some nap-time whenever the baby does sleep. You’ll feel much less stressed and generally healthier.

These tips are somewhat generic to all dieters but there is one piece of advice that only applies to new mothers trying to lose weight. If you breastfeed then you will be using up your body’s stores of fat and you’re likely to see the result in a slimmer waistline. In fact, the reason you gained weight during the pregnancy was so that you could give your baby the sustenance it needs. A breastfeeding mom needs about and extra 500 calories per day to provide enough milk for her baby. This added energy demand will go a long way toward helping you shed those extra pounds naturally and with very little effort.

All of these tips will work but by far the main point to remember is that a new mother must stay healthy. It’s generally advised that they shouldn’t really think about losing weight for at least the first 2 months after giving birth. Breastfeeding will help you lose weight during this period but anything else should wait. Whenever you decide you want to start to lose pregnancy weight it’s definitely a good idea to speak with your doctor and tell them your intentions. They’ll be able to guide you as to what’s most appropriate for you and your personal situation.

Nothing in this article should be construed as instruction or advice and before beginning any diet appropriate medical advice should be obtained.

Read  article at  How to lose weight after pregnancy:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Many women have questions about the types of food that are safe to eat during pregnancy. It is actually easier to discuss the types of foods you should avoid during pregnancy than it is do discuss the foods that are safe to eat.

There's a lot of food to avoid during pregnancy because they may be harmful to you or your developing baby.

Food To Avoid During Pregnancy

Deli and Processed Sandwich Meats - these meats might be contaminated with Listeria, a potentially deadly bacteria that can result in miscarriage or even a stillbirth. While listeria is relatively harmless to most ordinary people, it can be life threatening for your unborn baby. Pregnant women are more susceptible to listeria because of their lowered immune system. If you want to eat deli meats, be sure that you cook them until they are steaming hot, which will help kill any bacteria that might be present.

Raw meats - much lie deli meats, raw meats should be avoided because they can carry bacteria that are harmful for both mother and baby.

Certain types of fish - while most fish is healthy, there are certain kinds of fish that contain high levels of mercury, which is harmful for your unborn baby's brain. Consuming too much mercury during pregnancy can result in developmental problems and even brain damage. The types of fish that contain the highest levels of mercury include: swordfish, shark, king mackerel, tuna, sea bass and tilefish.

Raw eggs - like raw meat, raw eggs have the potential to carry bacteria, particularly salmonella. Believe it or not raw eggs are in a number of various products including some forms of Caesar dressing, mayonnaise and even ice cream. If you are uncertain about whether or not something you are eating contains raw eggs, avoid it unless you can find out for certain whether or not it is harmful.

Unpasteurized soft cheeses - some chesses that are imported also have the potential to carry life threatening Listeria if they are not pasteurized. The most common types of cheese that carry this risk include certain forms of Brie, Camembert, feta, Gorgonzola and Mexican cheeses like queso. If these cheeses are pasteurized however they should be safe to consume.

Unpasteurized milk or juices - remember that any type of milk product or juice that has not been pasteurized has the potential to carry Listeria and other bacteria that may be harmful for you and your baby during pregnancy.

You should also avoid alcohol during your pregnancy. There is no known safe amount of alcohol that can be recommended during pregnancy. There are numerous fetal abnormalities and birth defects as well as developmental problems that have been associated with alcohol use during pregnancy. Alcohol should also be minimized or avoided during breastfeeding, because it can pass through the breast milk.
Also Read Tips to reduce stretch marks in pregnancy

Monday, July 8, 2013

Healthy Eating During Breast feeding - Some Nutrition Tips

During the stages of the last leg of the pregnancy, the baby actually could taste the food that the mother takes in. This is also true when you're breastfeeding. The milk your body makes is how it's going to feel on the palate. Hence mother has to practice healthy diet while breast feeding.

Nursing mothers can produce around 23 to 27 ounces of milk. Increasing the intake of calories per day by 500 counts will give you amazing results. As for liquids, 3 quarts to say the least of water drinking should be encouraged. If you haven't noticed your throat feels dry all the time. This is caused by the body's utilization of the liquids in your system to produce milk. Drinking beyond 3 quarts a day is not highly advised, however. This will result to a stoppage or decrease in your milk.

/2013/07/08/healthy-eating-during-breast-feeding-some-nutrition-tips/">http://know4better.com/2013/07/08/healthy-eating-during-breast-feed To ensure that you can nurse and produce the needed milk more than 3 month rapidly boost your calories by 2500 counts or higher each day. Added calories should be taken from healthy supplements. Junk foods can offer high quantities but are useless for milk production. Nourishment should come as the top priority for your baby. That's why it is important to choose your food carefully. What you eat id ultimately what you'll pass on to that beautiful child. High proteins are best to eat. A gram of it per pound of weight your body has is the best tool to use as measurement for your intake. For a mother weighing 120 pounds then her protein intake should be 120 grams a day.

Charging the body with calories throughout the day is good. This aids in the continuous process of milk production. The body it at work all the time, it will need all the energy from the calories you eat to sustain its function.

Foods with low nutritional value are best to stay away from. Basically, all babies are sensitive. Their immune systems have not yet been well established by their tiny bodies. Helping them get through that stage of development is easy enough. All that needs to be done is to watch what you eat. Another case of reaction of babies to bad eating habits of mothers is colic. Chocolates, candy bars and anything that's sweet cause this stomach ache. To be on the safe side, don't nibble on any of those while nursing your little one. Same advice will be prescribed by your pediatrician.

Too much oil in your diet can make your baby's stomach upset as well, same goes with too much spices. Temptation is larking around the corner, but there is a good chance that knowing what it might do to your baby can keep you away from them.

Garlic and onions tend to flavor the milk and babies don't like these flavors. This might cause them to stop drinking your milk all at once. So don't have them while nursing. Capturing the food intake of the mother takes so little to time to sip into her milk. That's why it's imperative to be vigilant. Your precious one might just be too young to love the taste to strong spices.  (Read Benefits of Garlic Milk)

There is always good to know that food is not only the factor that affects the taste of your milk. What ever beverage you choose you swallow down can ultimately flavor you milk as well. Caffeine for instance, can get your baby's heart pulsating like crazy. You wouldn't want to endanger your baby's condition. Then try not to drink coffee while nursing then. This will surely keep your baby out of harm's way. Totally abandoning this habitual drinking of caffeine can deteriorate the performance in dealing with daily tasks. It can be taken in small amounts, but not too much.

Moderation is always a good thing. Choosing to breast feed your baby will strengthen the bond between the two of you. He or she will grow up to be a healthy child. Just keep close to your heart the best practices on how to have a healthy baby by the things you eat.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Where Do Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles, & Bags Under the Eyes Come From?

It's not uncommon for someone with dark circles and puffy eyes to end up looking unhealthy, tired, and many years older than they actually are. It's also not unusual, for people with those dark circles and puffy eyes to not really feel as tired worn-out as they look. Even the very young of us can exhibit these conditions, as well as a the much older. For anyone looking to take a few years off their appearance, one of the best things you can do for your skin is to rejuvenate, and get a more youthful and healthy look through the elimination of dark circles and eye bags.

Of course to eliminate any problem such as dark circles or puffy eyes it's important to understand where this affliction comes from.

It's commonly known and accepted, that lack of sleep or lack of good continuity of sleep can result in either puffiness or dark circles under the eyes. What's not as commonly known, are the other causes of this condition.

Few people for instance know that sinus congestion and inflamed nasal passages can also be responsible for eyes that have dark circles underneath. What happens in this situation, is the impediment of good blood flow through the blood vessels of the face. This poor blood flow causes the blood to collect in pools, particularly around the eyes and end up causing a purple like tinge under the eyes.

So, it's good to know that identifying and eliminating any nasal or sinus problems will not only make you feel better, but will go a long way towards eliminating the darkness underneath your eyes.

If puffy eyes are a problem for you, then you should be aware that the buildup of fluid while your sleeping can be one of the reasons. You may find the first thing in the morning your the area under your eyes is puffier than normal. Other factors can come to play here as well, such as your energy levels and your age. A number of other conditions such as hormone swings, pregnancy, and menstruation, can increase the fluid buildup. Combining two more these conditions, will obviously make the swelling more obvious.

One simple and inexpensive solution to try, is to change a pillow. A pillow that will keep your head a little more elevated, may allow some of the fluid to drain, and not build up under your eyes.

Following the axiom of you are what you eat, diet can contribute to retaining water and puffiness around the eyes. Eating a low carbohydrate diet can help prevent this. Certain vitamins such as A, C and E are known to be good for the skin, and its elasticity. This will of course help keep puffiness around the eyes to a minimum. The other thing to watch out for in your diet, is an excess of salt consumption. Salt tends to contribute to fluid retention. Many fast foods and even processed foods found in your cupboards are likely to be high in salt.

A quick fix for for this condition, is to apply a cool ice pack or compress to the eye area. This will help restrict the flow of blood through vessels near the eye, and help reduce the puffiness. As with many conditions and symptoms, if they persist or seem extreme, it's always a good idea to check with your family doctor. They know your health history better than anyone, and can decide if the symptoms your experiencing are normal for you.

There are a few over-the-counter treatments you can try, with items you probably have around the house. Lavender oil is one such item. Try mixing up a couple cups of water with three or four drops of lavender oil. Soak a few cotton balls in the mixture and placed them over your eyes for a few minutes. It's a simple and inexpensive solution, that's easy to try.

If you look around a little, I'm sure you've seen some extremely expensive miracle solutions that promise the world, and rarely deliver on their promises. That's not to say they don't all work. Some of the better ones will, but are often targeted to very specific problem. With that in mind, it's important to understand the product you're using and exactly what condition it's meant to treat. It may be best to try a combination of creams each for a specific purposes. One to reduce dark circles, one to assist in blood flow, and perhaps one with good vitamins such as E, K and C to improve elasticity.

Author: Chris Campbell

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